Omnibus Law on Job Creation continues to be a controversy, even in the midst of corona virus (covid-19) spread across various parts of Indonesia. On April 2, 2020, the Plenary Meeting of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Senayan, Jakarta, read the President's Letter dated February 7, 2020 and agreed to submit the Bill of the Law on Job Creation to Legislation Committee.[1] One day later on April 3, 2020, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia issued Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia  No. 9 of 2020 on Guidelines on Large-Scale Social Restrictions in Order to Accelerate the Handling of Covid-19 (PMK PSBB). PMK PSBB regulates the steps in establishing PSBB in certain area, the limits of what are restricted during PSBB and its exceptions, record keeping and reporting mechanisms, as well as the coaching and supervision of PSBB. 

TOLAKOMNIBUSLAW (@lawanoligarki) | Twitter
Source: #TolakOmnibusLaw Movement

Until April 17, 2020, the Minister of Health has published Decree of PSBB Establishment for 12 regions and 3 three provinces, namely DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten.[2] These Decrees are valid for the longest incubation period of covid-19 which is 14 (fourteen) days with the possibility of extension if there is evidence of further spread. The implementation of PSBB through said Decrees is carried out in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. In this case, it is PMK PSBB.

In simplified manner, PMK PSBB set 6 (six) restrictions. First, closure of school and workplace. Second, restrictions on religious activities. Third, restrictions on the activities in public and public facilities. Fourth, restrictions on social and cultural activities. Fifth, restrictions on the mode of transportation. Sixth, restrictions on other activities, especially related to defense and security aspects. Each of the above limitations has exceptions based on other laws and regulations, fatwa, up to the view of official institutions recognized by the government.

Social and cultural activities are one of the restricted activities during the period of PSBB. The restriction of social and cultural activities, as referred to in the Annex of PMK PSBB, is a ban on crowds of people in activities such as clubs or political, sports, entertainment, academic and cultural meetings. Political meetings are banned by the PMK PSBB. 

Matter of fact, Legislation Committee (Baleg) held a meeting with the government to discuss Omnibus Law on Job Creation on April 14, 2020 directly at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta. The Coordinating Minister for Economic affairs, Minister of Law and Human Rights and the Minister of Labour were physically present in the meeting.[3] After the meeting, a Working Committee (Panitia Kerja) will be formed to produce a Problem Inventory List (DIM) and hold a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU). The chairman of the Baleg had stated that public involvement in providing inputs for this omnibus can be done in virtual manner.[4] Conducting a political meeting is a clear violation of the Regulation of the Minister of Health and Decree of PSBB in DKI Jakarta. The government violated the rules of which they created themselves.

The rushed discussion process of omnibus in covid-19 situation is an agenda that is mandatory to be questioned. The Vice Chairman of the Baleg once stated that the Omnibus on Job Creation is a political promise of the DPR to the President, and also as a formula to get out of current economy crisis. [5] This statement is laden with political interests and assumptive. No one can guarantee that Omnibus on Job Creation will save Indonesia from economic crisis. What might occur is precisely the otherwise due to the decrease in the consumption power of tens of thousands of labor who will be even more under the pressure of employers, the destruction of thousands of acres of nature due to exploitation and the occurrence of chaos in Indonesian legal system.

Since the beginning, the discussion of the Omnibus has never been transparent and heavily loaded with the interests of employers. This can be seen from the composition of the task force of the Omnibus Law which is dominated by employers. Moreover, the problematic provisions in the draft law.[6]
As a matter of fact, political meeting which is prohibited by the PSBB is a physical meeting. There is no prohibition to conduct virtual meeting. However, DPR and the government do not seem to be concerned with the condition of the covid and heroically attended the meeting in the parliament complex. Another issue that arose is whether virtual meeting is able to accommodate all of the aspirations of the people? Not necessarily.

Virtually held meeting is highly potential to discriminate affected groups, particularly those whose backgrounds are of low to medium income. The assumption that all people have a device and internet access is a view blinded by privilege. Our constitution guarantees political participation, so DPR can't underestimate the role of public in the creation of new laws.

Marginalized Group Illustration

The government does not need to rush in enforcing the first omnibus in Indonesia because no one can guarantee that it can boost the economy and investment in this country. Moreover, if its establishment is in the expense of the order of law, democracy, public welfare and environmental sustainability. The government should restart the process of making this Omnibus to the early stages of discussion with the restructuring of Omnibus Law Task force with equal composition to represent the general public such as with trade unions, representatives of women's groups and marginal people. Not only businessmen because at the end of the process, this Omnibus will legally bind the whole society from Sabang to Merauke.

The discussion should also be done face to face and continued after the pandemic is declared finished by the World Health organization (WHO). It is important to ensure everyone can practice their right of political participation. This way, DPR can reassure the public that there is no hidden agenda from rushing the establishment of the Omnibus on Job Creation. 

Jokowi has to ensure that the establishment and promulgation of Omnibus on Job Creation will be done after a thorough process of discussion which adopted the advice and inputs of every element of society. Not only having them heard in the public hearing, but having the substance adopted in the law. We don't need formalities. 

Functions of DPR
Source: The 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, Fourth Amendment

If the parliament does not discuss the Omnibus on Job Creation, what can be done by them? Keep in mind that the function of parliament according to Indonesian Constitution is not limited to legislation function, but also the functions of budgeting and supervision/oversight. These latter functions can be maximized in tackling covid-19. For example, together with the government, DPR can discuss the allocation of the State Budget (APBN) for the prevention of covid-19, especially for marginalized groups. While the function of oversight can be carried out to review the effectiveness of the laws and regulations that apply to the handling of covid-19 such as the Law No. 24 of 2007 on Disaster Management, Law No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government, Law No. 6 of 2018 on Health Quarantine and other relevant regulations.

[1] Tsarina Maharani, Surpres Dibacakan, Draft Omnibus Law RUU Cipta Kerja Segera Dibahas Baleg DPR, 2020.
[2] Ardito Ramadhan, Pemerintah Setujui PSBB di 17 Daerah, Ini Rangkuman Sejumlah Wilayah, 2020.
[3] Tsarina Maharani, Perdana, Rapat Kerja DPR-Pemerintah Bahas Draf Omnibus Law, 2020.
[4] Budiarti Utami Putri, Bahas Omnibus Law Saat Corona, DPR: Publik Bisa Terlibat Virtual, 2020.
[5] Putra Ananda, op. cit.
[6] Andrian Pratama Taher, Komposisi Bermasalah Satgas Omnibus Law, 2019.